Important tips for People to keep Their Kitchen Cabinets Clean and Shiny


Cleaning the kitchen is no one’s favorite task. However, we all love the feeling of satisfaction when our kitchen cabinets shine, and countertops are germ-free. This article will give you an overview of cleaning kitchen cabinets in Houston that include painted wood, laminate, glass, and metal. We are going to tell you how you can save yourself from intensive cleaning.  

Tips to Keep Kitchen Sparkling Clean

Every day fine particles of dust and oil accumulate in our kitchen. It includes both horizontal and vertical surfaces as well. These fine particles of dust mixed with oil act like a magnet that attracts more dust. Regular dusting using a duster or lint-free napkin can help you prevent oil and dust build-ups. If not, they convert into a tough sticky residue that requires a lot of arm exercise to clean.

Here are some of the simplest cleaning tips to maintain the charm and shine of any model of kitchen cabinets in Houston. These are some secret tips to keep your kitchen look intact for years.

  • While cleaning the kitchen with soap and water, never use any harsh detergents. You can use a soft and clean cloth or napkin. Mild detergents like Ivory and Dawn do similar jobs. Soak the cloth in detergent water and wipe all open surfaces in your kitchen.
  • Use clear and warm water to rinse the sideboards of your cabinets. Then wipe off the excess moisture with another dry and clean cloth.
  • White vinegar and hot water solution are some widely used hacks to clean the tough and sticky grease from the kitchen. For best results, mix two cups of hot water with one cup of vinegar.
  • For Houston TX luxury kitchen cabinets, a paste of baking soda and white vinegar works best. However, make a patch test before applying the paste.

Tips to Maintain Painted Surface

Oi-painted kitchen cabinets are durable and easy to clean. A soft nylon brush works well to remove the stubborn dirt on the oil-based cabinet surface. The mixture of one tablespoon of mild liquid detergents and a gallon of warm water is the cheapest way to clean these cabinets.

Keep Warm Wooden Cabinets New For Long

Natural wooden kitchen cabinets in Houston have warm appeal, and the maintenance might be a little complicated. You must keep steam-producing appliances away from the cupboards. You can use a soft sponge or cotton napkins for regular washing. Warm water and mild detergent solution can rinse off the daily build-ups. You may use diluted white vinegar to remove the sticky spots.


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